Mont Passot Hiking Trip: Best Of Nosy Be Hiking!

Fra USD US$ 0,00
  • Varighet: 1 Dager (ca.)
  • Lokasjon: Hell-ville
  • Produktkode: PANXEG

Discover the sacred lake of Ampharihibe and enjoy the beauty of Nosy Be, the Island of perfumes on your hike through this beautiful landscape accompanied by the smells of Ylang-Ylang, cacao, cloves and vanilla. Have the perfect view on top of Mont Passot on the Mozambique Channel and the coastline of Nosy Be. This hike is perfect for nature lovers who want to book an active excursion while on holiday in Nosy Be.

Make sure to bring: Sunscreen, sunglasses, water

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Error writing session PHPSESSID_vhjgp7j12vt3rv63l2iutcanf8: Error executing "UpdateItem" on ""; AWS HTTP error: Client error: `POST` resulted in a `400 Bad Request` response: {"__type":"com.amazonaws.dynamodb.v20120810#ProvisionedThroughputExceededException","message":"The level of configured p (truncated...) ProvisionedThroughputExceededException (client): The level of configured provisioned throughput for the table was exceeded. Consider increasing your provisioning level with the UpdateTable API. - {"__type":"com.amazonaws.dynamodb.v20120810#ProvisionedThroughputExceededException","message":"The level of configured provisioned throughput for the table was exceeded. Consider increasing your provisioning level with the UpdateTable API."}

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