5 Day Amazon Tour - Colombia

부터 USD US$0.00
  • 기간: 5 일 (대략)
  • 위치: Leticia
  • 상품 코드: col5dayazn

A world free from conventional signage, where all sense of direction is lost, all comforts are left behind usually has even the earnest of explorers bewildered yet that’s exactly the Amazon’s allure. Its prodigious network of greenery where operators and local guides use the likes of river banks, tree markings and water lilies to navigate its foreign landscape. This 5 day Colombian Amazon excursion gives prominence to a primal experience devoid of modern amenities and services. We want to show you this jungle and its raw culture the way it’s meant to be seen with a few exciting twists. 


Day 1: Maloca km 14

Welcome at the airport according to the flight itinerary (An official member of our staff will have an announcement with the agency's logo or a passenger's name) Transfer to the agency, detailed explanation of the plan, delivery of swamp boots, lunch included. You must keep in mind that apart from your personal belongings you must keep a space in your luggage since we are going to provide: Hammock, mosquito nets, 1 plate, 1 glass, 1 spoon for each one. As soon as you are ready, with the guide, we will take you to km 14, where the  jungle trek begins for approximately 1 to 2 hours to Maloca, where we will have a cultural interaction with the guide (mambe, rape y tabaco), dinner prepared with firewood, night walk and rest.

There is no bathroom, shower or electricity.
The food is simple and prepared by the guide. For this and other nights a thin blanket is needed.
All walks in the jungle are at the rhythm of each group.
Possibility to see wildlife: Low.
Hammock accommodation with mosquito net inside Maloca.
NOTE: We are in rainy seasons, however, the walks are made regardless the rain. 

Day 2: Jungle

Jungle walk to the Tacana gorge (Bath) return to maloca for breakfast, then pick up the backback to start the jungle trek to the road for 1 to 2 hours, meet with our staff member to deliver jungle supplies (Plastic, food and hydration) , take a short rest and cross the road to enter primary forests jungle, lunch is served during the trek, explanation of useful flora and medicinal plants during trek. Organization of camp according to the guide's criteria, dinner prepared in firewood (Take into account the rains making this activity slower), optional night walk, rest in camp in hammocks with mosquito nets

There is no bathroom, shower or electricity.
The food is prepared by wood by the guide.
All walks in the jungle are at the rhythm of each group.
Possibility to see wildlife: Low.
Accommodation in hammock with mosquito nets and plastic.

Day 3: Agape - Platform

Breakfast prepared in the jungle, picking up the camp, trekking in the jungle for approximately 2 hours, until reaching the agape visitor center. While the group takes a bath in the bathrooms of the place or the La Arenosa ravine, the guide prepares lunch. Then lunch is served and alternative activities are carried out. Beginning of jungle trek at 3:00 pm approx, 45 min, to go through the jungle to the tree, climbing the 35 meters high tree,  through safety harnesses. On the platform the camp is organized (mat, mosquito net and plastic, a light dinner is served, and rest.

**Platform Notes                                                                                                                                                     

There is no bathroom, shower or electricity.
The dinner is light and  prepared by the instructors.
Before climbing to the platform bath and go to the bathroom.

IMPORTANT: In case of rain, strong winds, or any other eventuality; the instructors have all the power to decide if the passengers must get off the platform, for the safety of everyone. THE BAQUIANOS TRAVEL & ADVENTURE AGENCY IS NOT RESPONSIBLE IF THIS ACTIVITY IS NOT COMPLIED BECAUSE OF THE CLIMATE.

Day 4: Kayak - Maguta

Zipline activity towards a second platform located approx. at 60 meters, possible wildlife observation, controlled descent, walk to the center of agape visitors, breakfast prepared by the guide, bath, jungle trek for 2 to 3 hours approx, until you reach the indigenous community of San Pedro, start of activity in kayak by the ravine. (duration in average of 3 to 4 hours) arriving at Flor de loto where lunch is served, rest in hammocks and start sailing against the current of the Amazon River in a craft boat (1 to 2 hours approx) making stop in Isla de los Micos where you can interact with the monkeys (Fraile) until you reach Maguta, dinner prepared by firewood, night boating (depending on the water level) night walk and rest in hammocks with mosquito nets inside the reserve.

** Maguta Notes

There is no electricity.
There is no bathroom or showers.
Possibility of seeing fauna: medium / high.

Day 5: Leticia

Early breakfast to start our jungle trek, encounter with the boat and navigate to Leticia: There we organize the luggage, have lunch (include) and transfer to the airport. If you dont fly this day, return to Leticia after lunch.


  • Transfer airport-agency-airport.
  • Land and river transfers.
  • Full food and snacks every day: regional food, lots of fish and fruit. Vegetarian diets or dietary restrictions are respected.
  • Guide, bilingual guide according to the availability or Spanish-English translator.
  • Accommodation every night under the conditions stipulated in the plan
  • Excluded:

    • Alcoholic drinks.
    • Rate of $ 32,000 per person to enter the city of Leticia.
    • Rate of 10,000 cop per person upon arrival in Puerto Nariño.
    • Entrance to the island of the Micos: 30,000 cop per person.
    • Services not specified in the plan.
    • Tips
    • Travel/medical/cancellation insurance
    • Flights
    • Personal items such as sunscreen, insect repellant, clothing, first aid, etc