13-Days in Kaghan, Fairy Meadows, Hunza and Gilgit

從 USD US$2,199.00
  • 天數: 13 天 (左右)
  • 位置: Fairy Meadows
  • 产品编号: 13DayNorthLahore

Day 1- Arrival

Arrival to the airport and pick up, meet and greet our representative. Check-in to the hotel and rest. Depending on your flight you may have some time to explore the city.

Day 2 - Lahore-Islamabad:

In the morning after breakfast we will drive to Islamabad (about 4.5 hours). After arrival check in and take a short break, then we will proceed for city sightseeing and first will stop at Shakarparian Park to see a beautiful cityscape from the hills. We may also visit the Pakistan Monument and the Folk Heritage Museum, alternatively we can visit Taxila UNESCO Heritage Site which is not far from the city. After lunch we will continue our tour driving past the various Government buildings on Constitution Avenue, before ending at Faisal Mosque. Return to hotel for overnight.

Day 3 - Islamabad – Shogran:

Depart early in the morning for Shogran. The journey takes around 6 -7 hours, and on the way we will pass city of Abbottabad. We will continue through Mansehra before arriving at Balakot near the Kunhar River, the gateway to Kaghan. Continue on to Shogran for overnight at our hotel. Shogran is a beautiful hill station located on the plateu and offer some amazing views of the mountains surrounding it.

Day 4 - Shogran:

This morning we exploring the area around Shogran taking local jeeps to the small lake at Siri, and from there continue on to Paya meadows. The journey in the jeeps is exciting but jaw-clenching and hair-raising at times. Fitter visitors can opt for a 2-3 hour hike  through the forest track. The jeep ride will take you roughly 45 minutes up to the Siri ridge. Another 15 minutes or so of driving gets you to your ultimate destination, the breathtaking Paya meadows. Once at Paye, enjoy leisurely walks around the meadows, have a picnic lunch. Return to Shogran for overnight.

Note: We recommend bringing some warm ran-proof layers as the weather can change in a second at the top.

Day 5 - Shogran – Besham – Chilas:

This morning we have an early start from Shogran taking the road towards Naran and continue on for Chilas. Our journey starts with an uphill track that takes you to the famous Babusar pass and we will also be driving through Lulusar-Dudipatsar National Park. At Chilas there are world famous petroglyphs (rock carvings) left by Buddhist Monks on their way to China. Overnight at the hotel Chilas.

Day 6 - Chilas - Fairy Meadows:

After an early breakfast, drive to Raikot Bridge, there we will transfer to local jeeps and take a winding track deep into the hills.It's another white-knuckle ride so just be prepared. After, a hike of 2 to 3 hours to Fairy Meadows awaits you. The trip in itself is worth it as you will have an amazing view of Nanga Parbat. Huts operated by locals provide us with basic accommodation, and a base from which to explore the surrounding area. Overnight at Log Cabin/Camp.

Day 7 - Nanga Parbat Base Camp:

Fairy Meadows is a grassy pasture near one of the base camp sites of the mighty Nanga Parbat Mountain (8126 meter above sea level). Fairy Meadows serves as the launching point for trekkers summiting the Raikot face of the Nanga Parbat. After breakfast start your hike toward Nanga Parbat base camp. After two hours walk, one reaches Beyal Camp where you can enjoy cup of tea with a beautiful view of Nanga Parbat. Another couple of hours walk from Beyal camp will bring us to the base camp of Nanga Parbat (3,967 meters above sea level).  Alternatively, today you have free time for leisure hikes. Late afternoon, return to Log Cabin/Camp for second night.

Day 8 - Fairy Meadows – Gilgit:

Today start early in the morning to walk down to return to the Jeeps waiting to take you down to Raikot Bridge, where our vehicle is waiting. Shortly before arriving at Gilgit, we will also see the meeting point of the greatest mountain ranges on Earth, the Karakoram, the Himalaya and the Hindu Kush and the meeting point of River Indus and River Gilgit. Overnight at Hotel.

Day 9 - Gilgit – Karimabad:

After having breakfast drive to Kargah Buddha rock carving. There was a monastery and three stupas here as this served as a rest stop for Buddhist pilgrims travelling from China to the Buddhist monasteries located in the Swat Valley. From here we will go to the Gilgit Bazaar, and then on to the Chinar Bagh (Garden) with its memorial to those who fought for independence. Next proceed on a harrowing ride across Asia’s longest vehicular suspension bridge, 182 meters long and 2 meters wide, which leads to a tunnel before emerging along the river bank road. In the afternoon, begin a scenic drive northwards towards Hunza on the Karakorum Highway. After an hour of driving, pause at Rakaposhi view point for a cup of tea. Continue the drive to Karimabad and check in and overnight at Hotel:

Day 10 - Karimabad:

Light day to rest after all the drives and hikes. Visit the 800 year old Baltit Fort, a wood-and-stone structure with mud plaster, which was restored by Aga Khan Trust for Culture in an attempt to preserve some of the Northern Pakistan Architecture. Continue with a few minutes’ drive that takes us to the neighboring ‘twin’ village of Altit. Here we will visit the restored Altit Fort, which was also restored by Aga Khan Trust for Culture.  Try the local Hunza cuisine at the Altit Café, cooked by a women’s community village organization. In the late afternoon, explore the local tourist market, including ‘Café De Hunza’ famous for delicious walnut cake and a variety of coffees. Overnight at Hotel.

Day 11 - Karimabad – Gulmit – Borit Lake – Passu – Gilgit

After breakfast rejoin the Karakorum Highway and drive to Gulmit, in Upper Hunza. The road link has been restored by a 7.9 km long tunnel system. Gulmit is a peaceful and serene village that formerly served as winter capital of the Hunza Kingdom. Here one will walk through the village, visit a 900 year-old house, and see local women weaving carpets and making several other traditional handicrafts. Drive on to Kamaris Village from where you shall drive on to Borit Lake, continue drive to Passu Village. Later visit Passu Glacier view point, and later return on the Karakoram Highway to Gilgit. Overnight at Hotel

Day 12 - Karimabad – Naltar Valley – Gilgit:

After having breakfast drive to Gilgit via Naltar valley with its dramatic mountain landscapes and can be reached by 4x4 vehicles. It's also a good place for skiing. Continue your drive to Gilgit, upon arrival check in to hotel. Overnight at Hotel:

Day 13 - Gilgit – Islamabad:

After an early start, catch the morning weather dependent flight to Islamabad. From the air one has breathtaking views of Nanga Parbat, Rakaposhi Peak and Kanjut Sar. On arrival at Islamabad, you will be met at the airport for your road transfer to Lahore (4 hours), where you will be dropped at your desired location. In case the flight from Gilgit to Islamabad is cancelled, you will travel by road via Naran through Islamabad and then on to Lahore with overnight in Naran.